
Hey. No shop talk today…

So I got that text today (above)

What am I to think here?

I haven’t talked to Sarah in quite a while (7 months, 4 days, 16 hours, to be exact, not that I’m counting), aside from occasional text messages, and now suddenly she wants to talk to me? I’m FINE with texting. I mean, I call her all the time. In this time since we’ve spoken, I have called her lots of times. I leave voice mails, but I never get a call back. I get it - she’s busy. Lawyers never sleep, or so I hear. Yet she never returns my calls with anything more than a text that says “sorry -fell asleep” or “sorry - working on this brief” or whatever. Now she wants me to call her. I wonder if everything’s okay.

Wait - I ALWAYS call her! And she never calls me. Now I’m just supposed to jump because Her Majesty wants me to call? I’m not calling her. If it’s that important, she’ll call me. Whatever man. She’s not the only person with stuff to do. I got two different documentaries I’m working on - whatever. Now she wants to talk to me and I’M busy. Maybe I will text her a “sorry, busy” tomorrow.

Power feels good.


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So, the other day, I told you Sarah asked me to call her. Needless to say, I called back. Why did I do that? If I had...